Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cool Church

Pursuit Intro HD from Port City Community Church on Vimeo.

My wife has spent countless hours researching churches in the Wilmington, N.C. area to check out when we go to scope it out. This is the one she is dying to check out. It is portcitychurch.org Check out these videos. One is a message bumper that they made themselves for a series called "Pursuit."

Now you have to go HERE and check out there opener for the series. I am excited to check it out. The top is what they had on the screens and the bottom is video of the band (obviously).


Flying with Enoch (Jesse Caron) said...

That's tight. I wish I could do a car chase for one of our bumpers.

Doulos said...

Thats awesome! What this mean check this out?

Michelle said...

Are you moving AGAIN?????